понедельник, 6 января 2020 г.


He was taught Hebrew by a rabbi [7] in addition to his studies at school. And, the like may be said of the same writer's Phonurgia nova —a work on the Nature and Properties of Sound—which appeared in Ancient and Modern , Oxford University Press, pp. He also advocated the theory of spontaneous generation. Retrieved from " https: His geological and geographical investigations culminated in his Mundus Subterraneus of , in which he suggested that the tides were caused by water moving to and from a subterranean ocean. He also proposed hygienic measures to prevent the spread of disease, such as isolation, quarantine , burning clothes worn by the infected and wearing facemasks to prevent the inhalation of germs.

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Kircher Musurgia Universalis

In he was called to Vienna by the emperor to succeed Kepler as Mathematician to the Habsburg court. It was a work of encyclopedic breadth, combining material of unequal quality, from accurate cartography to mythical elements, such as a study of dragons.

His works, illustrated to his orders, were extremely popular, and he was the first scientist to be able to support himself through the sale of his books. Portrait of Kircher at age 53 from Mundus Subterraneus A full digital edition kricher this book can be viewed on the Hathi Trust database.

He understood that fossils were the remains of animals.


One of the first people to observe microbes through a microscopeKircher was ahead of his time in proposing that the plague was caused by an infectious microorganism and in suggesting effective measures to prevent the spread of the disease. From musurfia humanistic as well as an intellectual point of view Egyptology may very well be proud of having Kircher as its founder. Other items of interest Other copies of the edition of the Musurgia Universalis: Kircher took a notably modern approach to the study of diseasesas early as using a microscope to investigate the blood of plague victims.

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A resurgence of interest in Kircher has occurred within the scholarly community in recent decades. Athanasius Kircherus2 May — 28 November was a German Jesuit scholar and polymath who published around 40 major works, most notably in the fields of comparative religiongeologyand medicine. Easy Lessons in Egyptian Hieroglyphics.

A normal copyright tag is still required. As few of Kircher's works have been translated, the contemporary emphasis has been on their aesthetic qualities rather than their actual content, and a succession of exhibitions have highlighted the beauty of their illustrations. Kircher professes the Boethian concept of musical harmonies' mathematical correspondences within the body, the heavens, and the natural world, and concludes with a discussion of the unheard music of the nine angelic choirs and the Holy Trinity.

Kircher's interest in Egyptology began in when he became intrigued by a collection of hieroglyphs in the univerzalis at Speyer. RomePapal States. Perhaps Kircher's best-known work today is his Oedipus Aegyptiacus —54a vast study of Egyptology and comparative religion.

Part of the Library and University Services. His importance was twofold: He based himself in the city for the rest of his life, and from [9] he taught mathematics, physics and Oriental languages at the Collegio Romano now the Pontifical Gregorian University for several years before being released to devote himself to research.

Kircher was mussurgia German Jesuit scholar and a true Renaissance man. On the intervention of Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peirescthe order was rescinded, and he was sent instead to Rome to continue with his scholarly work, but he had already embarked for Unigersalis. Specula Melitensis encyclica, hoc est syntagma novum instrumentorum physico- mathematicorum. Latin edition pages with illustrations only ; La ChineFrench, ; Modern English translation.

The ten Books into which the treatise is divided contain much useful matter, interrupted, unfortunately, by a host of irrelevant disquisitions, and an inordinate amount of empty speculation. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. The book includes plans for constructing water-powered automatic organsnotations of birdsong and diagrams of musical instruments.

Athanasius Kircher

He raised money to pay for the church's reconstruction as the Santuario della Mentorellaand his heart was buried in the church on his death. He also discussed the logistics of the Ark musurrgia, speculating on whether extra livestock was brought to feed carnivores and what the daily schedule of feeding and caring for animals must have been. InKircher published Ars Magna Lucis et Umbraeon the subject of kusurgia display of images on a screen using an apparatus similar to the magic lantern as developed by Christiaan Huygens and others.

Kircher's books were printed in large numbers - there were copies printed in of the Musurgia Universalis alone - and widely distributed through Jesuit channels.

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